Originally posted on March 7, 2023
Fall may not seem like the best time to spruce up your garden because all the plants start to snooze for the winter. But, giving your yard a little TLC in autumn is key to keeping it colorful, prepping it for the cold, and setting it up for a bloom explosion when spring rolls around. You’ll discover five nifty tricks for fall yard care to make sure your garden is set for the chilly season.
1. Clearing the Debris
During autumn, it’s normal for leaves to shed and dead plants to fall off in preparation for the cold weather. Unfortunately, this debris builds up over time, creating a blanket over your soil that hinders sunlight penetration and prevents plant growth. This blanket also traps moisture, making the grass underneath soggy and susceptible to lawn fungi.
So, when the leaves start falling, rake or blow them as often as possible. The carpet of leaves may look beautiful, but they are harmful to the soil in the long run. To keep your landscape clear and safe, cut down and remove dead plants or weeds. The last thing you want is to have twigs lying around that may cause trip and fall accidents.
Similarly, clean your gutters and downspouts, as some fallen leaves and twigs may cause blockages. This way, they direct water away from your home, protecting it from mold and mildew damage.
2. Fertilizing and Planting
If you want your lawn to be healthier and look better, apply fertilizer and compost in the fall. The right fertilizer and compost increase your grass’s resistance to cold and drought while protecting it from diseases. They also supply your grass with the nutrients it needs to survive winter, helping it grow stronger in spring.
Fall is also a great time to add new plants to your garden since the cooler temperatures offer more suitable conditions for root growth and water retention. Your plants won’t lose as much water from their leaves and will have enough time to grow before going dormant in winter. You can plant bulbs such as tulips and hyacinths, and come spring, you’ll have beautiful flowers in your garden.
When preparing new beds for planting, remove any existing vegetation or weed and work the soil to aerate it. Ensure the soil is wet before turning it over, and mix compost into it to improve soil structure and add nutrients. Finally, you can plant, mulch, and water your grass.
3. Aeration
Regular aeration is crucial to keeping a healthy garden. It loosens the soil, preventing it from becoming compact and covered with layers of debris. This ensures nutrients, oxygen, and water reach the soil and root to aid plant growth. Simply poke holes through the topsoil to aerate and increase circulation. You can also use tools like a plug aerator or spike aerator to loosen up the soil in your yard.
On the other hand, overseeding is a quick and easy way to fill in bare and existing spots on grass. All you have to do is plant grass seed directly onto your turf grass. Since the ground is still warm and the nights are cool, your grass seeds are more likely to germinate and thrive. Filling in bare or thin spots makes your lawn dense, protecting it against weeds.
If you don’t want the hassle of maintaining natural grass, artificial grass is an excellent alternative. It’s low maintenance and resilient to cold winter temperatures. You won’t have to deal with dead spots or other issues brought on by the season.
Another way to care for your lawn is by mowing and edging. Grass doesn’t stop growing until it frosts over in winter, so don’t put your mower away. Keep cutting your grass to its normal height to maintain a healthy landscape. Remember to edge your planting borders to create a well-defined boundary between features in your garden. Edging helps to keep mulch in and grass out of your garden.
5. Tree and Shrub Maintenance
As you take care of your grass, be sure to also prepare your trees and shrubs for winter. Start by pruning dead or damaged branches to eliminate infected parts and protect your garden. Dead or damaged branches may fall off unexpectedly and harm children playing in the yard or passersby on the sidewalk, causing easily avoidable injuries.
To protect your trees and shrubs from winter damage, water them deeply and thoroughly during fall. This will keep their roots well-hydrated throughout winter. Additionally, you can mulch around the base of shrubs and trees to insulate their roots from the extreme cold temperatures. Mulching creates a blanket of protection that ensure your trees and shrubs don’t freeze.
6. Watering and Irrigation
Adjusting your watering and irrigation in accordance with the change in weather and temperature is vital for a healthy and beautiful landscape all year round. For example, if your grass gets enough water from the rainfall in autumn, you can reduce watering to once a week.
Since there’s more rain, less evaporation, and more dew during fall, it may be tempting to stop watering, but this isn’t advisable. Continue watering until the end of October, depending on where you live in the country, to keep your grass well-hydrated. Water your trees and shrubs deeply as well to hydrate their roots.
At the end of fall, properly put away and store your hoses and sprinklers to avoid frozen pipes and expensive bursts. Blow out irrigation lines to remove water and shut off water sources to ensure they don’t freeze. You can also insulate your irrigation system with foam insulation or wrapping it in a frost blanket as an extra precaution.
Bottom Line
Fall landscaping maintenance tips, such as clearing debris, preparing new plant beds, fertilizing, mulching, and winterizing irrigation equipment, ensure you can maintain a healthy landscape throughout fall. If you want your garden to survive the cold months of winter and your plants to bloom the next spring, follow our fall landscaping maintenance tips.
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